SSD News & Announcements

Public news and announcements from The Stowe School District.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

School Board Brief

Lamoille South Supervisory Union Curriculum Coordinator Val Sullivan presented the timeline for the rollout of Proficiency-Based Learning (PBL). A cross-supervisory union team has been working to prepare teachers for PBL implementation and grading, and we will see most of the transition in place by September 2017. For students currently in the upper-level high school grades, transcripts will contain a hybrid of the current grading system and proficiency standards in order to create continuity throughout their high school years.

Superintendent Tracy Wrend presented Advanced Placement (AP) data in preparation for the June annual report.

The board reviewed our board operating policies and began the process of updating them as necessary to reflect current recommendations from the Vermont School Boards Association.